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Covered With Love 914, LLC
Covered With Love 914, LLC
#CWL914 ~ Psalm 91:4

About Me:  Schedule a Session

First,  I am the daughter the King and Jesus  Christ is my Savior.  I have been blessed to be the mother of  compassionate and amazing daughters who have become my rocks. They are what drive me to be the best version of myself. In addition, I am a hospice nurse with a passion for  Proactive and Protective HEALth through nutrition and safer skincare choices. I have completed my YogaFaith R-YFT-200-hour instructor training - Christ-centered Prayer in Motion.

Through my journey of HEALth, it was apparent to me that without my spiritual health, I would not be able to move to the level I know God has planned for me, His daughter. This journey has been such a beautiful, enriching, humbling, and empowering process. Our bodies are the temples which God has provided to us ~  my soul is my first priority - Eternal life vs. Temporary life. As I share my story  (which is actually HIS story), I pray I am able to shine my love of Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Ghost (listen to the song Ghost by MercyMe) on all who I encounter in life. That is my ultimate goal for my journey so I can reach my ambition of eternal life.

We must be aware of what we take into our bodies, the products we expose our bodies/ skin, and the community we surround ourselves. I love meeting positive, like-minded people. YOU, your family, your loved ones, and your friends deserve to function at the ultimate level - Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul!♥

Have a BLESSED day and share your AMAZING SMILE & LOVE!  Love is always the answer - It is the Jesus way!
As John 13:34 says I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. (ICB)

Your Sister in Christ
Covered with Love 914