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Covered With Love 914, LLC
Covered With Love 914, LLC
#CWL914 ~ Psalm 91:4
Olive Tree People - Learn More

My Brand of Choice: Oliveda ~ From Tree to Beauty 

Songs of Solomon 4:7 says You are altogether beautiful, my darling, And there is no blemish in you. (NAS)

With safer skin care products you can enhance your beauty from your Creator.  Please know that my goal is never to hide or mask your beauty.  I  want to support  you skin care with items with the cleanest standards in beauty.  

Olive Tree People is, as we affectionally say, our "Mother Tree", around which many more trees - our love brands - grow.

The exciting journey into holistic beauty began many years ago with our “ancient and original tree” OLIVEDA – Olive Tree Pharmacy. Our "tree" LA DOPE, which has its roots in Los Angeles, is one of them. As are our new "trees" THE INTUITION of Nature and OLIVE re:connected to nature, under the umbrella of OLIVE TREE PEOPLE completely redefine holistic beauty. They are all connected through growing towards holistic beauty, or, as we at OLIVE TREE PEOPLE say: From Tree to Beauty.


I am passionate about making your skin care effortless.  My goal is to provide amazing products and incredible customer service.  What products would you like to be able to learn more about? 


Your Olive Tree People Consultant

Covered with Love 914

Olive Tree People - Our Uniqueness
Olive Tree People

Find out how my brand of choice impacts the world

From the inner of 100 year old Olive Tree to holistic Beauty 

We at OLIVIE TREE PEOPLE are grateful and
 to be able to work with the most ingenious
laboratory on earth, which has provided
the right solutions for millions of years: 
wild and alive nature!

What do you need - Ask OliveBrain

OliveBrain determines exactly the products you need by analyzing millions of data points with personal profile.

Our Uniqueness  

How is the cell elixir from the mountain olive tree made?


Our actions should contribute to a society that is developing more and more into an OLIVE TREE SOCIETY - a society that, like the olive tree, is a symbol for life, love, and peace.
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well
~Psalm 139:13-14 (NKJV)

If you are interested in Olive Tree People products or business opportunities,  please reach out.  Sharing the love and word of Jesus all while impacting your Skincare HEALth is my ministry mission ~ Worshipping with your Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul. 

I would be honored and humbled to spend time networking on your skincare needs.  Sharing knowledge so you can make an informed decision is a passion of  mine.

Your Olive Tree People Consultant